Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bio Tat..

So my sister is trying to get another tat done...and this particular tat she wants it in a place....well lets just say that only few will be able to see lol. She really wanted something to describe her "pixie dust" if u will so I suggested a biohazard sign. I mean what a better warning than a biohazard sign right? lol. I just didn't want a typical biohazard sign so I added sum text that would help her get her message across. Problem is, is that I'm stuck between which word I should use for the tat and that's where u lovely people come in! So leave a comment on what u think and which tat do u think is best! ^_^

Black Box Logo

What's happenin yall! So my good ol friend, fdwoodward, asked me to help her come up with a logo for her people up north...needless to say I kinda went overboard lol BUT she still loves me newayz! So newho, this is what I've came up with. The company, if u haven't already notice, is called "Black Box" its going to be a computer building shop. So there for I tried to play along with the name and such. Here are some color choices that I've been thinking of, even thought Felicia told me she wanted the gray/black combo lol. Let me know what u guyz think, so PLEASE leave comments!

Friday, January 14, 2011

New Logo Idea...

Ok so like I said, I've been thinking about making myself a new identity but having a hard time with

1) coming up with a new name and...
2) trying to figure out what is truly identifies me as an artist.

So, after playing around with a couple of things, I came up with this: Eileen Interpris. I kinda like it because it still is me (my middle name for those who don't know) and because it seems more professional. The problem I'm having now is trying to figure out the colors to use and if I should use this globe element that I made. I kinda like the element but at the same time...I'm think its just kinda there you know? Anyways, feedback is always awesome-sauce so comment away! ^_^


What's goin on everybody! Well, I've finally decided to get my art blog up and running and so far, kinda happy with the way it's looking. Thinking about changing my logo...but at the same time, it's so totally me! ^_^ Anyways, I'm gonna be posting some work up here sooner, rather than later, so PLEASE you guys leave comments and tell me what ya think! Just try not to be all extra booty-wipes (trying not to cuss lol) about it. Good crits are welcome like always but leave the extra non-helpful ones to yourself. Having said that...

YAY I'M HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!